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Brown Act Compliance Policy


     The board shall conduct regular public meetings that are properly noticed and agendized. Such meetings will be conducted within the Fire Protection District Law of 1987, specifically sections 13800 to 13970 of the California Health and Safety Code, and the open meetings laws of the State of California, specifically the Ralph M. Brown Act, as amended, Government code section 54950-54962. Roberts' Rules of Order will be followed to maintain procedural consistency and decorum.

     Agenda items must be submitted to the Board Secretary in adequate time for preparation, posting, and proper notification; no later than 72 hours prior to the regularly scheduled meeting. Copies of the Agenda will be posted by the Secretary and will be available to the public at 5:00 P.M. on the Friday prior to each Board meeting. The Board may not consider items that have not been properly agendized in accordance with the Brown Act.

     Meetings are held on the second Monday of each month, beginning at 6:30 P.M. at the Capay Valley Fire Department Station 22, 7447 State Route 16, Guinda, California 95637, unless otherwise scheduled, with appropriate notification. Special meetings may be scheduled provided that they are properly noticed and agendized as above.

     A quorum must be present for a regularly scheduled Board meeting to proceed, such quorum being a mojority of the members of the Board, which is three members of the five.

     Each meeting will include provisions for public comment, persons addressing the Board shall give their name and address to the Board Secretary before such comment if they so choose. If necessary, the Board Chairman may limit the time alotted to individuals for public comment, although it is not the intent of the Capay Valley Fire Protection District to limit public participation and input.

     Closed sessions may be scheduled, within the strict limitation set forth by the Brown Act. Recordings of closed sessions are not public records.

     The Board Secretary will record the proceedings of each meeting and prepare a written summary of same, to be known as the Minutes of the Meeting and presented with the agenda for the next regular meeting. Minutes of the previous meeting will be reviewed as part of the regular agenda of each Board meeting, with an approved version of the Minutes being adopted by motion and signed by the Chairman.